Now that the summer holiday has
gone (at least for us teachers – Yes, I know I’m sorry, too), it is time for me
to go back to blogging. I know that my blog also has rested, sunburnt and swam
(and read a lot) like I did.
All I can do for summer holiday is
to go back to the photos I took – and of course ideas have been coming
through). When I saw one of my photos, which is absolutely one of my favorite
selfies, I decided that I could use that one in one of my lessons.
I think that one can be used if I
ever have a cover lesson or simply for speaking using Past Simple Tense. After
speaking, the kids also can write about it, and they can create their own
photos like that and present it to the classroom the next day.
Here is the original photo that I have chosen :
I used my phone skills, which I barely have, to cover it like this:
I'm sure you have
better skills -anything can be done. I thought about my fifth graders from last
year, so I know them, which means they would love this one. Simply because they
know that I am definitely terrible at drawing and they call me Ms. Picasso Simsek =)
I'm sure we would laugh a lot at this.
When I show this one
of course the first question would be "Who is this?" They most
probably would guess. Then more questions would be asked like:
-Where was I?
-Who was that standing next to me?
-Where was I before?
-Where was I going?
-How was I related to that "thing next to me? etc.
-Was I alone? If not, how many people were there with me? Who were they?
Then the next one comes:
I thought showing the
cow would be more surprising than showing me =)
Then, questions about
the cow like "Is it real?", "What's her name?" etc.
might come. You can always add more according to the class.
This exercise can also
be done when students themselves ask questions. After this speaking session,
they can write a story by answering similar questions and as I stated above
they can bring their own surprise photo and present it to the classroom.
By bringing my own
photo to the classroom may result in having more students interested in the
lesson. Nearly every day more and more students add me on instagram, but I, as
a teacher, do not like the idea of having students in my personal life. So, in
this way they might keep away for a while - or the opposite!
P.S.: If I can ever have the
opportunity to use these in my lesson, I will definitely write about my kids'
reaction ^.^
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